Corrections to data presented in the Global Health 50/50 2018 Report
In gathering the data presented in our 2018 Report, the Global Health 50/50 research team undertook a rigorous collection and verification process, following established qualitative research methods. As detailed in the 2018 Report, data were collected between October 2017 and February 2018 from publicly available sources and verified through direct communication with organisations. Each organisation was contacted twice – in October/November 2017 to inform them that we were compiling the data and to request any additional information to fill missing gaps; and in December 2017/January 2018 to send the compiled data for verification.
While we compiled data believed to be correct at the time of publication, some mistakes and omissions will have occurred. We apologize for these in advance, and are deeply grateful to organisations that alert Global Health 50/50 to such errors, as well as to updates and developments in their organisational policy and practice.
Corrections that have been made since publication of the 2018 Global Health 50/50 Report are outlined below. These have been reflected in the GH5050 online database. We thank organisations for bringing these to our attention and look forward to continuing to work together.
AERAS Correction to coding of variables:
- Gender-responsive programmatic policies in place. Originally “red”; replaced with “green”.
- Collect and report on sex-disaggregated data. Originally “red”; replaced with “green”.
- Gender parity in the governing body. Originally “amber”; replaced with “green”.
FIND FIND (Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics) has shared an internal document that covered many of the organisation’s gender policies, which Global Health 50/50 was not provided access to prior to publishing its report. Based on this new information, several variables have been recoded:
- Commitment to gender equality. Originally “red”; replaced with “green”.
- Workplace policies to promote gender equality in place. Originally “amber”; replaced with “green”.
- Gender-responsive programmatic policies in place. Originally “red”; replaced with “green”.
- Collect and report on sex-disaggregated data. Originally “red”; replaced with “amber”.
UNDP Correction to coding of the Gender of the executive variable. Originally “woman”; replaced with “man”.
IPPF Correction to coding of Workplace Gender Policy. Originally “red”; replaced with “green”