GH5050 summary findings on sex-disaggregation of data

Organisations generally fail to present sex-disaggregated programmatic data.


Gender data, often described as data disaggregated by sex and analysed to understand the differential outcomes for women, men, girls, and boys, is pivotal to uncovering key gender gaps in health and development. Gender-based analysis considers how gender roles and norms influence women’s and men’s health throughout their lives, helps ensure that investments are reaching those with highest need and monitors impact—including impact on reducing gender-based gaps in coverage and outcomes.

Holding organisations to account for gender and health outcomes requires, at a minimum, having up-to-date sex-disaggregated data on coverage and outcomes.

So what do we do about it?

GH5050 recommendations

  • Organisations should ensure relevant programmatic data is sex-disaggregated.
  • Organisations should conduct gender analyses to understand sex-disaggregated findings, and calibrate programmes and strategies based on this evidence.
  • Organisations should commit to collecting data on other markers of inequality and analysing the interaction among them, as well as with sex and gender. Such data/evidence should be the basis for assessing the equitable impact of an organisation’s work.
  • Funders should ensure they monitor and act to ensure gender equality at all stages of their funding and implementation processes.
  • Global health journals should commit to only publishing articles that report sex-disaggregated and analysed data (where appropriate).