The Daily Maverick: Alcohol harm is a women’s rights issue but remains a blind spot in global health and the women’s movement Previous item The Guardian - Seven out... Next item 'This is Gender' features...

The Daily Maverick: Alcohol harm is a women’s rights issue but remains a blind spot in global health and the women’s movement

On International Women’s Day 2020, Kristina Sperkova, Internaitonal President of Movendi International, reflects on the findings of the upcoming Global Health 50/50 Report, writing that imbalances of power and mismatched priorities of global health are undermining an inclusive feminist approach to tackling alcohol harm against women. 

“More than a hundred years ago women joined forces in industrialized countries to tackle pervasive alcohol harm in their homes, communities and societies; they organized, campaigned, protested and made a lasting difference. While we would likely choose other methods for the feminist struggle today, the women showed us the potential of making alcohol policy a priority. They went on to win women’s voting rights, to found the international peace movement and to spark the thriving global women’s rights movement. 

Today, it is time we broaden the movement, follow the evidence and overcome structural obstacles to win the battles of our time.”

Read the piece here.