What do you think about gender equality and global health? Previous item Strengthening gender... Next item Global Health 50/50...

What do you think about gender equality and global health?

The Global Health 50/50 report is nearly out! Now in our fourth year, and in the context of a year of profound disruption, we want to hear your opinions on the state of gender and global health.

This year, our report looks across 201 organisations active in global health and maintains its focus on two interlinked dimensions of inequality:
– inequality of opportunity in career pathways inside organisations
– inequality in who benefits from the global health system

In essence, we are seeking to understand how organisations are working to maintain their commitments to gender equality and social justice within the workplace and through the outputs they deliver.

We invite you to take 5 minutes to answer questions on the state of equality and progress in the global health sector and share your experiences and perceptions of gender equality and global health.You can find the survey here

We are hoping to reach a broad and diverse cross-section of people working or involved with global health, so would also be grateful if you could share broadly with your friends, colleagues, and networks.

The 2021 Global Health 50/50 Report will be launching on 8th March 2021. Make sure you’re the first to receive a copy by signing up to our mailing list at http://eepurl.com/gjsaEr 

Find out more at https://globalhealth5050.org/2021-report/