Gaining ground?
2024 Global Report

Analysis of the gender-related policies and practices of 201 global organisations active in health

Gaining ground?

Global Health 50/50’s 2024 Report presents a detailed analysis of gender equality and diversity in global health leadership across 201 organisations active in global health. Drawing on seven years of annual assessments, and for the first time reviewing the data for the nonprofit (UN, multi- and bi-laterals, NGOs, etc) and the for-profit sectors separately, the Report finds that important progress has been made, including reaching gender parity among nonprofit board members. Yet significant disparities remain. The Report highlights that only 2% of nonprofit board seats are held by women from low-income countries. It calls for urgent structural changes and rigorous accountability to foster inclusive, equitable and effective organisations active in global health.


The 2024 GH5050 Report presents evidence on the gender composition of boards governing global organisations active in health and the disproportionate influence of a few nationalities in these decision-making spaces. The data feeds into the growing dialogue on power dynamics in global health: Who sets priorities and solutions? What interests, worldviews, and principles underpin these decisions? Who ultimately benefits from the activities of organisations across the sector, and who is left behind?

Part 1 presents findings on the gender and nationality of 1,980 board members across 147 organisations. The Report finds that many boards are slightly more diverse than in 2022, when GH5050 conducted this analysis for the first time.

Alongside demographics of leadership, Part 1 explores power and privilege through the revenue size and salaries of women and men CEOs of the US-based NGOs in the sample. The Report also presents data on the gender pay gap reported by organisations in the sample with a presence in the UK, where employers with more than 250 staff are legally required to report their gender pay gap annually.

“Diverse boards are better equipped to understand and respond to the needs of their stakeholders and the populations they aspire to serve, leading to improved corporate governance and reputation.”
Dr Ayoade Alakija, Chair of the FIND Board

Part 2 presents findings on the progress of organisations over seven years, including on public commitments to gender equality, workplace gender equality, diversity and inclusion policies, representation in leadership, and reporting data disaggregated by sex. Part 3 offers ideas and opportunities on how to use the Report to drive change.

A final section presents organisational performance in 2024 - from very high to very low. Change in performance is also reported for each organisation (as consistently high performers; fast risers; and stagnators).

In 2024 we have changed the categories for organisational performance. The five new categories are as follows (with the 2023 categories in brackets)
2024 : very high performer ( 2023 = very high performer)
2024 : high performer, (2023 = high performer)
2024 : moderate performer, (2023 = good performer)
2024 : low performer (2023 = moderate performer)
2024 : very low performer (2023 = low performer)
Update: 201 organisations were reviewed and data validated in early 2024. After producing the final report two organisations were (exceptionally) removed from the sample as they (1) no longer work internationally or (2) are closing down. The final Index for 2024 therefore has only 199 organisations in it

Key findings

The key findings of Gaining ground? make clear that systemic reform to bring about diverse and inclusive global health governance bodies is urgently needed. Only through achieving global representation at the highest levels of leadership will we realise a global health system that is fit-for-purpose and able to achieve health for all.

“In yet another valuable report, GH5050 finds that women CEOs of nonprofits not only earn considerably less than their male counterparts but also control billions of dollars less in revenue. The fact that half of the CEOs in the sample were women should remind us that gender parity does not by itself equate to power parity.”
Nabeeha Kazi Hutchins, President and CEO, PAI

Empowering change: Accelerating progress towards gender equality

With the launch of this Report, we urge you to act. We encourage staff, staff associations, unions and other stakeholders, including donors, to use the findings of this Report to put pressure on leadership in organisations, particularly those that are performing poorly in the GH5050 Index. We call on funders to invest more in accountability mechanisms, including to hold organisations accountable for shaping inclusive and equitable workplaces.

Unsure where to start?

If you are a leader or staff member of one of the 201 organisations in the 2024 Report...

If you are interested in setting or improving workplace policies on gender equality, diversity and inclusion...

If you are a funder and interested in how grantees perform...

If you are with an organisation that is not in the 2024 Report...

If you are a researcher...

If you would like to join us in sharing the findings of the Report...

“Advancing diversity and inclusion requires the same rigour and attention that we apply to our scientific activities. I urge leaders and staff to keep pushing - ensuring that these policies are championed by leadership, that they are made robust through metrics and tracking, regular review, holding supervisors accountable for fair, equitable, and inclusive behaviours.”
Hannah Valantine, Professor of Medicine, Stanford University, USA. Inaugural and former Chief Officer for Scientific Workforce Diversity at the United States National Institutes of Health
To engage with us on advancing gender equality in global health, or to learn more about our methodology, collective, leadership and values, contact us at: